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发布时间:2023-06-17        浏览次数:32        返回列表

The Global Water Award aims to recognize projects that have achieved outstanding achievements in the water, wastewater, and desalination industries, with a focus on innovative technology. ABB won the "Annual Smart Water Project" award at the Global Water Summit in Berlin, Germany, for its use of intelligent water management technology to improve the flexibility of Wellington Water's water supply and drainage network, helping it better prepare for the future.


ABB's intelligent water management technology combines instrumentation and digital solutions to help Wellington Water manage its infrastructure in a sustainable, economic, and safe way.


Paul Winstanley of Wellington Water said, "This award recognizes the successful collaboration between Wellington Water and ABB. We fully recognize that efficient management cannot be separated from precise measurement. It is precisely because of this that ABB's solutions are crucial to Wellington Water and our vast water supply and drainage network. With ABB's technology, we can ensure that every drop of water is recorded. This award is a testament to ABB's commitment to helping the water industry provide safe and healthy drinking water to communities worldwide."

· 全球水奖旨在表彰在水及污水处理、海水淡化行业取得杰出成就的项目,重点关注创新技术

· ABB利用智慧水务管理技术,提高了惠灵顿水务公司供排水管网的灵活性,让其更好地为未来做准备,因此获得“年度智慧水务项目”奖

· ABB智慧水务管理技术结合仪器仪表和数字解决方案,帮助惠灵顿水务公司以可持续、经济和安全的方式管理其基础设施




ABB测量与分析仪器仪表业务线全球负责人Amina Hamidi表示:“该奖项堪称水务界的‘奥斯卡金像奖’,赢得该奖项是对我们的有力认可。创新是我们一切工作的核心,全球水峰会是国际水行业***重要的会议之一。ABB致力于帮助水行业向全球社区提供安全和健康的饮用水,这一奖项是对ABB团队在这方面的辛勤劳动和努力付出的充分认可。”

惠灵顿水务公司的Paul Winstanley表示:“这个奖项是对惠灵顿水务公司和ABB成功合作的认可。我们充分认识到,**管理离不开**测量。正因如此,ABB的解决方案对惠灵顿水务和我们庞大的供排水管网至关重要。借助ABB的技术,我们可以确保每一滴水都有据可查。


工博士热线:0731-82182975  联系人:王金秀 联系地址:上海市嘉定区南翔镇众仁路399号B座20楼2007-2012室

技术和报价服务:星期一至星期六8:00-22:00 abb 电气服务商 访问量:27405  管理入口  技术支持:工博士  免责声明

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